Female Founder Feature: Theresa Marie Galido Cilli

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Female Founder Feature: Theresa Marie Galido Cilli

Posted on February 24 2025

Female Founder Feature: Theresa Marie Galido Cilli


We are so excited to be featuring our graphic designer, Theresa Marie Galido Cilli. Theresa lives an exciting life over in Europe. In this feature, we dive into her journey and how women can support each other in her industry. Get ready to be inspired!

ALLY Shoes: Tell us about yourself.

Theresa: I'm a graphic designer, and Cleveland Institute of Art alumni. I'm an only child and grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. I've always loved to travel and explore - so it's no surprise I ended up living in 3 different states after graduation. I lived in Florida, New York City, and California. I met my husband in California - he's from Rome, Italy and we ended up moving there a few months after our wedding. I'm also an avid photographer, and a cat mom.

ALLY Shoes: You are currently living in Ireland and previously lived in Italy. What do you love about being an expat in Europe? 

Theresa: I love being fully immersed in a new culture, there are so many traditions, and so much history to learn and discover. It's given me perspective to live in a place versus just visiting. I feel like everyday I'm learning or adapting to something new, and this helps inspire me to grow and think creatively as an artist. I've also been able to visit so many places I never thought I'd see - including the birthplace of my great grandfather, who was from a very small town on the west coast of Sicily.


ALLY Shoes: What inspired you to pursue a career in graphic design?

Theresa: Most likely my OCD combined with my love of art! Art was always my favorite class in school starting at a very early age. When I was in high school I loved buying fashion magazines just to look at the ads, and buying CDs because of the cover art. I really wanted to pursue photography as a major in art school, but technology in this space was just emerging. Graphic design was already computer based, but photography wasn't quite there yet. I knew that by going into graphic design I would always still work with photography in some way - such as art directing photo shoots, retouching photos, and making photo selects.

ALLY Shoes: How do you balance creativity with the business side of running a company?

Theresa: I take a lot of walks and practice pilates. Getting outside and connecting with nature, or taking 30-45 minutes out of my morning for pilates, really helps to quiet my mind. I also keep a weekly to-do list for my company to help stay on track and keep organized.

ALLY Shoes: How can women support each other in the creative space?

Theresa: I think sometimes it can feel like a competitive space, but we should look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow from one another. I would recommend to everyone in the creative space, at some point in their career, to have a mentor and to be a mentor. I also believe in making connections - if someone has a specific skill, and I know someone that could benefit from it, I make the connection even if it doesn't help boost my business in any way.

ALLY Shoes: Who is your ally?

Theresa: My mother was by far my biggest ally, she always supported my creativity and encouraged me to go to art school. Along the way, I've formed many allies: co-workers from my New York City days that have become lifelong friends, clients who have supported me through some major life changes (like moving to Europe!), and my husband who supports me working from home and taking calls from every room.



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