Posted on December 28 2023

We are so excited to be featuring Sydney Park's magical Scottish wedding today. Sydney has collaborated and worked with Ally Shoes in the past and we were thrilled when she came to us for her wedding shoes.
Ally Shoes: Tell us about yourself.
Sydney: I’m a lawyer practicing in NYC! I have two dogs named Valor and Echo. My husband and I adopted them from Arkansas and Texas respectively.
Ally Shoes: How did you meet your husband?
Sydney: We met ONLINE! Classic love story. Our first date was ice skating at Rockefeller Center, and from that date I knew he was the only man for me.
Ally Shoes: What was your favorite part about the wedding planning process?
Sydney: My favorite part of the wedding planning process was getting to pick out all my outfits. I totally love shopping, so getting to shop for such a special occasion was extra fun. Although I picked my wedding dress after trying on only three dresses.
Ally Shoes: You got married in Scotland, beautiful, what tips would you give a bride-to-be planning an international wedding?
Sydney: USE PINTEREST! That’s a great way to get started. From there, look for local wedding fairs (I used vendors from the Ayrshire Wedding Fair) that will showcase local vendors.
Ally Shoes: Are you team DJ Or team Band?
Sydney: DJ! Our DJ was named Stuart (from Devotion Weddings) and he was phenomenal. My sisters ended the night by singing along to “I’m Just Ken” alone on the dance floor…
Ally Shoes: Who is your ally?
Sydney: My ally through the wedding process (and life in general) is my twin sister. She is great at grounding people and being there when you need someone. She also is more than willing to give you a reality check when you need one.