Posted on December 12 2023

We are so excited to be collaborating with Carrie Kerpen, an award-winning entrepreneur, author, investor, and keynote speaker. Carrie is the Managing Director of Likeable, a 10Pearls Company.
Ally Shoes: Tell us about yourself.
Carrie: Hi! I'm Carrie. I built one of the world's first social media agencies back in 2007. I scaled it and sold it in 2021 to a technology company called 10Pearls, where I now lead their global digital division. I am an author, publishing Work It: Secrets For Success From The Boldest Women In Business. I am a wife to Dave, and a mom to Charlotte, Kate, and Seth.
Ally Shoes: What are some of your biggest accomplishments as an entrepreneur?
Carrie: My biggest accomplishments as an entrepreneur include building an organization that was consistently recognized as one of the best places to work in New York City. That always meant the most to me. Another major accomplishment was negotiating the sale of the business. I had an amazing lifestyle business that I was able to turn into a life changing asset, all while growing personally and professionally.
Carrie Featured at her TedX Talk wearing our Tender Taupe Patent Leather Block Heel Pump
Ally Shoes: What skills do you think are important to have to succeed as an entrepreneur?
Carrie: An entrepreneur can have fear (I do, all the time!) but in order to be successful, an entrepreneur must be able to push past that fear in order to accomplish what so many others don't. An entrepreneur must have grit, a can-do attitude, and an undying belief in what they are building.
Ally Shoes: What advice would you give an inspiring entrepreneur?
Carrie: I would tell an aspiring entrepreneur that ideas are great, but implementations are better. Think about HOW to build what you want to build. And bootstrap as long as you can.
Ally Shoes: Who is your ally?
Carrie: My ally-- I've been fortunate to have many allies in my career and my life, but I would say that my biggest allys are my daughters. They are not (yet) entrepreneurs, but as they've grown up, they've observed me (and their dad!) do what it takes to build a business and provide a life for our family. They sacrificed a lot in our struggle to build something huge, and they supported it all along the way. Those two are Allies in every way. My son is still too little, and so he didn't get to watch the struggle as we built, he just gets to reap the rewards-- but I'd like to think he's an ally too!